Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Beauty Contest

The Beauty Contest
A farmer was returning home from his fields one evening when suddenly two women appeared in front of him.
"I am the goddess of poverty," said one of them.
"And I am the goddess of wealth," said the other.
"W-what do you want from me?" asked the man, his voice faint with fear.
"Tell us who between the two of us is the more beautiful," said the goddess of wealth, giving him an enchanting smile.
The man knew he was in a dangerous position. If he favoured the one, he would displease the other. But he was a clever man and thinking fast he said to the goddess of wealth:
"When you are entering a house, you are certainly the more beautiful." Then turning quickly to the other deity said:
"But there's none to compare with you when you are leaving a house. Then, it is you who are the more beautiful."
The deities beamed with joy and disappeared, and the farmer heaved a sigh of relief and hurried home.

Governor 's sense of humour

A Family of Tyrants
A shopkeeper of Isfahan went to the governor of the city and begged him to exempt him from a tax that had recently been levied on shopkeepers.
"My shop is not doing too well and I have a large family to support," he explained.
"That does not concern me," said the governor. "Pay up or leave the city."
"Where can I go?" said the man.
"Go to Shiraz or Kashan," said the governor. "They are prosperous cities."
"That is true," said the shopkeeper. "But your nephew rules Shiraz and he has made the same laws, and as for Kashan, it is ruled by your cousin."
"Then go to the king and complain," said the governor, impatiently.
"The king's prime minister is your brother," continued the shopkeeper. "He will not grant my request."
"Go to Hell!" roared the governor.
"Ah, yes, Hell," said the shopkeeper, gravely. "But pardon me, Your Excellency, did not your respected father die last year?"
The governor had a sense of humour. 
He laughed and agreed to exempt him from the tax.